Tuesday, July 15, 2008


What is it about some people that never really leave you. You can walk away.. you can even hide... you can try to forget about them, and yet there still there, years later.
What gets me though, is not that they never really leave. It's that you never really let them go.

life is funny in the most vicious ways.

If you've never heard Tom Petty's newest album, Highway Companion, you really should check it out.
Click Here to listen.

Friday, July 11, 2008


This is just simply not fair. First they promise a "June Update" then they make us wait til the release of the 3g....

Why didn't they just release it to us early and maybe they would be having server issues because a half a million people are all trying to update their phones (or purchase one for the first time) simultaneously!!
I have to admit... this is the first real disappointment from Mr Jobs for me... but a big one.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

First time for Everything

...And so begins a new blog, to be added to the world wide web for all to see....

So here's my first posting... enjoy.

A favorite... check this site out..
